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Gender Reveal for Baby S

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

On Monday, March 27th I got a call from my doctor saying the gender results were in and immediately freaked out! I had gone into our doctors office the previous Tuesday to get my blood work done, when I was right around 10 weeks along. After hearing that all of the genetic testing came back low risk (meaning baby was healthy from what they could tell so far) she then asked how we would like to find out the gender. I told her that Alec and I wanted to do something special between the two of us so she put the results in an envelope for me to pick-up from the front desk. So, on my way home from work, I stopped at the doctor, grabbed the results, and zoomed to our neighbor's house to drop them off. From there, our sweet friends, got to scratch off the results and find out what we were having. Once the results were in, they quickly called Susies Cakes for us and placed the cupcake order. Alec and I just wanted to do something simple and small between the two of us to find out the sex of our baby and then planned to share it with everyone once we already knew!

Of course once we found out we were pregnant, we looked up all of the Old Wives Tales to help us figure out what we thought baby s would be...

Old Wives Tales & how we measure up!



Cravings- salty & savory

Acne- more than usual

Heartburn- none

Baby's heartbeat- above 140

Morning sickness- none

Hair & nails- shiny & strong

Pregnancy brain- tired & clumsy

Weight gain- in my belly

On Tuesday, March 28th after we both got off work, we made a mad dash to Susie's Cakes to pickup our cupcakes before heading to White Rock Lake to find out whether we were having a boy or girl. Let me tell you what, those 24 hours of knowing the results were in and waiting to find out were by far the most nerve racking and slowest hours of our lives. Once we made it to White Rock we drove around the lake for a bit scoping out the perfect spot to set-up our little picnic blanket and enjoy our delicious cupcakes.

After we found a beautiful spot, we set everything up...and the rest was history! Be sure to check out the full video on our YouTube channel for our full reactions to this incredible blessing.

Both Alec and I are over the moon and we can't wait to meet our sweet baby boy this fall and become a family of three! Funny story, from the second we found out we were having a baby, we both immediately just knew it was going to be a boy. We aren't really sure why but we just had a gut feeling and then all of the Old Wives Tales lined up too (which we realize is just a crazy coincidence but still).


the growing Stegalls

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